A Manifestation of a Deep-Heart-Hurt.
In this podcast we talk about how to get to the root cause of anxiety in a person’s life, and how to help the person be set free.
If you want to pre-read the section we are discussing turn to session 2, page 18, number 6 Anxiety in the Go in Peace Biblical Discipleship Curriculum Leader’s Manual. But if you don’t have the manual, no worries, still listen in to be equipped and blessed in your desire to help others.
Remember, a great verse to encourage those struggling with anxiety is Isaiah 26:3.
You will keep in perfect peace
those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in you.
Enjoy the podcast.
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About Matt Laster
Do you want to learn more about Matt Laster and his work in Bulgaria? If so, click here.
If you want to learn more about the book The Christian’s Guide to Psychological Terms which we talked about in the podcast click on the book image below.
Also, if you would like to learn more about The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey click on the image of the book below.
If you would like to purchase the Go in Peace Biblical Discipleship Curriculum Leader’s Manual in either the women’s edition or the men’s edition see the images below. The only difference between the two manuals is the cover.
The Go in Peace Leader’s Manual for Women
The Go in Peace Leader’s Manual for Men
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Oh, and feel free to share this podcast with a friend. Our heart is to equip as many people as possible to effectively help the hurting among us. Jesus calls each one of us to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19).
In Closing
Thank you for joining us today in our discussion about anxiety. We hope our podcast encourages you to not become discouraged in doing good, especially in ministering to those who are struggling.
Feel free to leave a comment below, we’d love to hear from you. In fact, we’d love to hear your stories of working with a person struggling with anxiety. What were some of the ways the Lord inspired you to help that person be set free? And feel free to ask any questions. It’s our desire to help our listeners grow in their discipleship ministries. So we invite you to be a part.
May God richly bless you as you serve Him.